D&B Ranch Farm Corp.

Hours: Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 12pm
Other times by Appointment
Sales: Aaron Jooris - 905.510.2932
Sales: Aty Janczak - 905.802.8742
Email: info@dbranchfarm.com


D&B Ranch Farm is a family owned farm utilizing exclusively organic farming practices. Our farm is self-sufficient; it grows 100% of all food that our herd eats year round. This is important to ensure all grasses are 100% organic (no pesticide, no chemicals) as we strive for the most tender, nutrient dense grass-fed, grass-finished meat possible. During summer months, the herd grazes in their pastures and in winter they are either in the barn or on the fields eating dry hay and fermented haylage. We started this farm to raise the best quality food possible to feed our family, and after some amazingly positive feedback from friends and family we have recently decided to grow our herd and sell beef by the whole and half cow to the public. We welcome you into this wonderful community and can't wait to hear if you love our beef.

We sell organically raised black angus grass-fed, grass-finished beef. Our cattle are never given grains. In the summer months they live in their pastures, eating fresh grass. During the winter season and muddy months they eat both dry hay and fermented haylage (our haylage consists of red clover, and greens shoots grasses of oats / peas harvested before seed is formed) grown and harvested ourselves. When the animal is ready, it is sent for processing. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to be the first to know when meat becomes available, please send us an email or DM us on Instagram. We will let you know as beef becomes available. Oftentimes, there is a wait list and so we suggest you plan ahead.

The D&B Ranch Farm Story

Welcome to our paradise! We are a family owned operation local to Burlington, Ontario. Doug is our owner and primary farmer, and also the D in D&B Ranch. The B('s) are our Junior farmers. They love to watch the tractors, feed our barn cats, collect eggs and visit the calf's during calving season. Doug grew up in Toronto and his family owned a farm a short drive from the city. From what I understand, his mom's vegetable garden was legendary. This family farm fed their large family of 6 and members of the surrounding community. Cows, chickens, ducks, pigs, you name it and they raised them. Doug spent every summer growing up working on that farm and we still have his Dad's (refurbished) farm tractor in working condition!

As a young adult, Doug pursued accounting and entrepreneurship. About 10 years ago, Doug became interested in organic farming practices and recently, soil regeneration. Can you truly have one without the other? We think not. He studies the soil extensively and uses the tools from his research to regenerate the topsoil on his farmland. You may or may not know this, but animals can have a hugely positive impact on soil health, in the right settings.

And that's where I come in. My name is Jamie and I'm the farmer's wife and mom to the B('s) in D&B Ranch. Prior to becoming a Domestic Engineer (that's fancy for Mom) and rancher, I studied holistic nutrition. I am passionate about feeding our family nutrient-dense, delicious food. Grass-fed grass-finished meat was hard to source in our area. I figured grass-fed beef would be ok, but Doug knew better. He saw firsthand his family's grass-fed cows who were force fed grains to fatten them up at the end of their lives. Their body composition changes. This renders the organ meats toxic at best and affects the whole animal. Holistic nutrition combined with Doug's passion for soil regeneration and his upbringing raising animals set us up on the path we are on today. And we are so glad you found us, here in this small corner of the internet.

Please send us an email or DM us on Instagram to get onto the mailing list to be the first to know when beef becomes available. I encourage you to get into the habit of shopping for meat differently as opposed to banning it altogether, and opting to support local when possible, wherever you are located.

Our Animals

Our cattle are raised right here in Burlington, Ontario eating fresh grass in the summer and dry and fermented hay and haylage in the winter. Our beef is prepared by a local and trusted abattoir where it is aged, cut, wrapped, labeled and frozen.

We use all organic farming practices, going above and beyond the standard requirements. We are compliant with the Canada Organic Regime (COR) as well as the Grass Fed Ruminant Standard, certified by Pro-Cert.

We offer whole and half cow sales for $10/pound hanging weight. We also stock our freezers at the farm and sell special cuts, burgers, ground beef, roasts and more by appointment only. Please send us an email or DM on Instagram for appointment availability. Customers buying beef have VIP access to our organically raised eggs from our chickens too. We strive for premium quality grass fed, grass finished beef and as a result do not offer any shipping.


"I ordered a half cow. Now what?"
Congratulations! You are making a positive step forward towards you and your family's health. Please make sure to have a deep freezer plugged in and ready. Line your freezer with cardboard - the cardboard will get freezer burn and your precious meat will be protected. Do a quick internet search on grass-fed grass-finished recipes to have on hand. Please note, cooking temperature and time is different for premium grass-fed grass-finished meat. If you cook it the way you would cook force-fed beef, you will lose flavour and texture.
"Do you feed corn stalks as part of your haylage?"
The answer is no. We never feed the herd corn stalks, or any corn.
"Is your beef certified organic?"
We have been certified by Pro-Cert as compliant with the Canada Organic Regime (COR).
"Is your beef certified grass-fed?"
We have been certified by Pro-Cert as compliant with the Grass Fed Ruminant Standard.

Image: Conservation aeration of red clover cover crop.

The Rancher's Roast Recipe

A healthy family favourite from our farm to your table!


  • 1 roast (any cut)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • Dried or fresh rosemary, thyme, oregano & basil rubbed on the roast or laying on top and around it
  • Use what you have, and what you like (3/4tsp each approximately if using dried herbs)


  1. Preheat oven to 200F
  2. Season roast on all sides and chop vegetables
  3. Slow cook the roast in a roasting pan with the lid off until the internal temperature reaches 125F (this is about 60 minutes per lb)
  4. Remove the roast from the oven and let it rest for 20min or while your oven heats up to 550F
  5. Sear the roast in the oven for about 8 minutes at 550F or until it looks brown on the outsides
  6. Serve and enjoy!